- 252إجمالي المتعلمين
- 2إجمالي الجلسات
- Feb 3, 2012نشط منذ
- United Statesموقع
حول Denise Medved
Founder and Creator of Ageless Grace®, 21 Simple Tools for Lifelong Comfort and Ease, Denise Medved teaches a timeless fitness technique for the body and mind aimed at baby-boomers, seniors and kids!
As the author of The Ageless Grace® Playbook, 3 DVD-set and flashcards, Denise has trained over 700 Certified Ageless Grace® Educators in 29 US states (and now expanding into Europe, the UK, South Africa and Australasia), in less than 2 years.
Denise is also the author of The Little Book of Marketing Magic
She is also one of 13 International Trainers for the Nia Technique for...
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